

Xyphias, dessinateur, modélisateur 3d (logiciel:blender),
Doctorant en Paléontologie
They/He - Iel/Il
Compte fakemons: @XyphiasFakemons

フォロー数:764 フォロワー数:452

Petite illustration de Libegon!

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J'ai redessiné le bateau de mon le Fast BillFish, navire de Chetley "L'Espadon" Kingorma

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Neva and Edelice :) Ice type gym leader

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Summit fkmn
It lives on top of the summits where the eternal ice is located. Its activity increases when it hails or when the sun is intense.

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Infernape is based on Sun Wukong, so I added the Ruyi Jingu Bang (the staff). I also added the crown and made the scarf with its flames.

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Cleveron is a grey heron, with a mischievous look, and with the typical joined hands, looking like Mr Burns

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Sobekroc is based on Sobek, the god of water and fertility. I made it like a guardian that lost what it was supposed to protect, so now he's just a vengeful spirit

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Vorammout is based on Ammout, an egyptian deity. Ammout eat the soul from people who are deemed unworthy to enter the kingdom of the dead. It works pretty much as a gatekeeper, so I added some dog-like characteristics!

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Le "talent inné" de l'art, n'est-ce pas?

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