

Gay boi | 23 | Stupid | he/him/bear |

If you're a minor, racist, transphobe, or wrong'un, you're getting a hecking block.

フォロー数:829 フォロワー数:3976

Pink's his favorite color. There a
p r o b l e m with that? :|

2 23

Oh, if only I wrote as fast as I drew X[

0 3

(Angry drawing noises)

1 3

Me and a friend had been talking about a Haunter sona for a few days. I just went and blepped something out at around midnight, 'cause I'm using my grandfather's laptop (mine has "issues"...), and I don't want anyone catching me ._.

25 99

Sensitive tickles turned to lewd entertainment.

9 37

Ooh, an invitation from the big guy, Leomon himself! Don't keep him waitin' :3!

19 59

More Blue Stars. Testuya Shou (A33 Maxima SE/AE85 Trueno) and Kintaro Oe (B1 Spirit R (fictional))

0 3