

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:382

last week of 1/2 Thx for all the rt & likes...I'll try 2 be more consistent with

2 4

Doodlebear...cause I do nonsharable stuff right now...
Wonderful wednesday, peeps of the interweb!🐻💕

2 6

G is for Gorilla.G is for great to be back,Animali!Cheers.Have to pot plants,then check yours😍

11 58

Happy ! Sorry I'm late...but was still on the road...

13 43

'The day Tran and Una became friends.' Cheers Animali! 😍🐬

7 47

'Ooops...missed her!Let's do some serious mermaiding tonight. Bring bait! 🐡🐟🐠https://t.co/xgq9twgW9Z

2 3

2/2 Count day he fired Savile,Savile&Sons, centuries be4 offensive color named after him

2 39