

🎨 Willing to share some art works from my studio.
⚠️DO NOT repost/use/edit any arts
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Graduated Student Story About Ellen墨.
Tired of working as a Graphic Designer, so she decided to learn painting systematically. When she met our instructor at the open class, she found that the teaching way of our studio is suitable for her. Now she has learnt a lot & keep going

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Graduated Student Story About Doris.
When she had to stay at home because of COVID-19. she had some spare time to practice painting with tablet that she bought 4 or 5 years ago when she was a undergraduate. Now she is gradually walking on the way from beginner to master.

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Graduated Student Story About DATa.
Before coming to our studio for illustration course, she has been doing the Fashion Design. After she quit her second job, she came and found us. Through a long time studying, now she has already prepared her portfolios to get a new job.

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Now we gonna share one student 花 graduated from our course of studio, she is still an undergraduate at present. She always pays a lot attention to illustration industry and wants to be one of the illsutrators. Let's have a look about her illustrations.😀

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Butterfly flies at night.

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Butterfly flies at night.

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