

Competitive SSBU - SSL TO - Unova Enjoyer - TF2 Unusual Hats Are Pretty - Gacha F2PGOD

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daily reminder Swalot

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I love this new crab pokemon

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My predictions of the Gen 9 starters evolutions

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Got this made for me lol

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Who would you pick? Nasar Region starter pokemon!

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Im only going to show this, the evolutions will be on the insta later later but for now meet Qiagan the Rolling Globe Pokemon
Qia for Qiàopí de (Playful) and gan for gāng (Steel). He is based off the Chinese Pangolin
(Also sorry if the chinese is off, im not fluent)

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By the way me and my friends region is called Nasar Region (our own pokemon region) we'll be posting on instagram soon with more of our original pokemons. I'll keep you updated when we do our first post. :))

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Can we just give some love to this pokemon... it's a fucking pig that bounces forever. Also it's Spoink. Look at it

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