

Jewelry designer , Stationery lover , pen and inkwell , watches ,antiques,Yishin tea pot collector. facebook.com/yachingstyle/ (@yachinglai3)

フォロー数:1136 フォロワー数:1039

Bright orange lilies, the most beautiful I had ever seen
A burst of fire
A fleeting explosion of passion and wonder. Coral,Malachite Yuzu,紅柚,Vanilla Bean

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hummingbird dances
the air around me changes
life is forgotten... Pearl, Malachite Bean.

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Like ballerinas dancing in the breeze
the fuchsias tell us Summer has arrived,
they spin and pirouette with dainty ease,
and celebrate another year survived

Bean , 紅柚

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The first English sentence I learned:
An apple a day keep the doctors away! What’s yours?
Pearl ,Malachite. Yuzu,紅柚,Vanilla Bean

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A symbol of rare beauty
Exotic. Delicate. Mysterious
Precious, in every way
Lost in a tropical land of
Purple Haze
A calm stability of blue and
The fierce energy of red
Stimulating mystery and thrill,
In his mind
I am A Purple Orchid Turquoise

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the sweet fragrance of honeysuckle
did waft on the air
twas a bouquet of beauty
for the lovers to share. ~Yuzu, 紅柚,Vanilla Bean

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Mysterious beings
Swimming, singing, exploring
Beautiful, dangerous, legendary, mythological
Mermaid ~~ Blackberry

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