

🇻🇦 Sometimes I worry, have I always been like this? 🚪

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If I ever made a Pizza place it would be called Goblin Pizza.
“Made by Goblins, for goblin!”
Signature pizza would be called, Goblin Gruyère which would incorporate a mix of Gruyère and blue cheese and green dye to make a green cheese pizza with bold flavor.

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The last 4 characters on your phone define your mental health.

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Enlighten us oh wise Thug or forever be known as the guy who likes manly women

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My conspiracy theory is that the elite are making it so food spoils slightly faster to drive up sales. It wouldn't be that hard for them to do honestly, and if the change amounted to just a 1-5% increase in sales it would be worth it for them.

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Kinda drunk af right now tbh

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I love The Beatles but every time I remember John Lennon my blood boils

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The NPCs have had their chips swapped out. Please be aware and act accordingly.

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