

draw to boost serotonin ✦✧ vgen.co/YamiesCupidko-fi.com/yamiescupid • Do not repost without permission • pfp d( ᵘ ꒳ ᵘ ✼) with credit

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We dont have a highschool love story but i want to make one of our own(⸝⸝>ᴗ(>ᴗ<⸝⸝)♡♡

Happy valentines🤍

15 94

✧Baby burritos is back✧
rts beeg appreciated!! (ㅅ´ ˘ `)♡

take ur chances to be burritofied for limited slots!!
⇣⇣more details check below⇣⇣

19 51

sharing the first batch of babu burritos comms,,,everywan become burritofied💕

thank you so much<3

5 22

Merry Christmas everywan!! warmest hug to yall <3

9 34

Happy birthday to my fav electro woman💜
when will u came home pls🥹

21 77

made one for myself n man hehe <3

1 11