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【Deviantart】 Her model is one of the bondage model that I think is the most beautiful! :3
That's why I put as many items as possible on her! :3
My condition has almost recovered, but to my surprise, [sexual desire] has been completely empty (^o^)
Therefore, I don't know when my creative motivation will return! It's a pathetic story, but it'd be nice if you'll wait m(_ _)m (So I'm releasing the rough sketch in advance)
体調はほぼ回復したのですが、我ながら驚きなことに【性欲】が完全に空となりっぱなしです/(^o^)\ゆえに創作意欲がいつから戻るか未知数!情けない話ですが、ご承知おきくださいm(_ _)m(発症前から進めていた下描きだけは、先行公開します)
In the end, I tested positive for coronavirus, so it's unclear when I'll be able to return.🤤
I've caught a cold... I hope it's not a virus symptoms
or something! I tried taking some medicine, taking a bath, and eating a lot of food, but they didn't work well! Well, this is a message from my body that I need to take a rest.. I'm going to upload some items next week! :3
風邪(だと信じたい)を引きました!以上!薬をオーバードーズして風呂入ってたくさん食って寝れば治ると思ったのですが、どうにも治らず、とりあえず来週いっぱいは様子を見るかも、です。m(_ _)m (進めているコンテンツはあるのですが)
【Pixiv更新!】 自分が好きだと思うものをなるべく組み合わせるテスト。貧乳・マミー・靴置き・白靴下等々。
【Deviantart】 A test to combine as many things I like as possible. Small breasts, mommy, shoes, white socks, etc.
This year I want to be more sensitive to my own fetish! :3
【Patreon】 I've just written her story! :3 It will consist of three parts! :3