

ギービリ- GeesexBilly- BillyxGeese-

Why are we called Yeh and Yah?
Because we are two different people here.
But when we talk, who can tell...

フォロー数:103 フォロワー数:57

art by Yah 🐵Billy Kane balances 7 Geese Howards on his back. '' Can you truly serve us all?'' "I will serve all of you at once! (CONTINUED IN COMMENTS)

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🐵Yah Billy on his mind..

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an edit ^^
# ギービリ

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I wanted to draw it! He's holding a Geese-sama doll ^^

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Yah🐵 Edits of Billy Kane's 'welcome to the new world' cards.😊 Billy holding the person he truly wants close to his chest protectively, Geese-sama! I tried all different looks for Geese because it was so fun! ^^💕

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art by 🐵Geese's lovely laugh after Nakaruru and her sister make him laugh^^ This is based on an episode of NEO GEO DJ station where this happens! Billy is very happy he can hear this, I think. I am happy with the coloring!

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We found the most precious ギービリ on this little website:
This artist doesn't appear to be active anymore, but we CERTAINLY wish they were!

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art by Yah 🐵The two are taking a stroll on a cold day.^^ Billy's puppy hoodie is cute, and Geese's sweater is soft and quite long on him..^^ They are both wearing マスク. Was it Billy's idea?

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