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. Waiting Portrait of a lady at a window with a view of the Florence cathedral Robert Burns (1869 - 1941) .
. Still Life Criss Canning (b. 1947) .
. Les Gentilshommes du duc d'Orléans dans l'habit de Saint-Cloud (The Duke of Orléan's Gentlemen dressed in the frock coats of Saint-Cloud), 1770 Louis Carrogis Carmontelle (1717 - 1806) .
. Running Horses with Cloud, 1975 Phil Epp (b. 1946) .
. Zhao Shao'ang (1905 - 1998) .
. Jennifer Rhoades .
. Italy, 1997 David Gentleman (b. 1930) .
. Sarah Barrett Moulton: Pinkie, 1794 Thomas Lawrence (1769 - 1830) Huntington Library, San Marino, California .
. Sarah Bernhardt Manuel Orazi (1860 - 1934) .
. El Rapto de Europa Alejandro DeCinti .