I created a new son yesterday and drew him. <3 he still needs a name so I'm open for suggestions! I did minor changes for him. I'll have the link for the creator in the next tweet if you wanna check it out. :3
Freya! My lady shiji. <3 I have been meaning to draw her for a while now and got time now to work on art that take longer so here she is! ;w; I really love how she turned out.
I have been playing on Lop more lately. ;w; so I wanted to draw her, so here she is. I have seen peeps give Viera bunny paws so I thought it would be a cute idea to do the same. <3 slowly working on getting her crafters up via Ishgard, few of them are at 60 already!
January 14th 2019, I can't believe it has already been two years since Tiksu was put to sleep. She was my guiding light and continues to be the light in the dark for me. Someday I'll be with her again. <3 Until then, I'll see her in my dreams when she visits me.
I adopted a peryton from @vashaatweets yesterday and I named her Peridot. <3 I did a paintery bust of her today and I had a lot of fun drawing this today. ;w;