

Fire Emblem 4/5/8/13/15/16/17 • Defender of Thracia 776•
• Do not repost •
2nd Acc for Genshin fanarts-

フォロー数:207 フォロワー数:702

There are better places to take a nap than on the ground, you know.

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Headcanon: L'arachel often visits Renais to see Eirika, and Ephraim sees her off whenever she leaves, so that leaves a lot of private time to the 2 of them. At first Ephraim finds it TIRING to deal with L'arachel's Tsuntsun 😩, but over time he finds her overreaction entertaining

4 15

L'arachel and Ephraim's whole support was a riot 😩😩🔥🔥 L'arachel's imagination sounded like it ran pretty wild (or maybe it was mine)


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Here's one without the wishes.
It's Chinese New year for me in Singapore, so I put them in chinese trad costume (Well I made Yona's a little more modern and unique ehe)

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An unlikely romance is budding between Jaeha and Pukyuu 😳😳❤❤?
Happy Lunar New Year!! One day in advance! 🧧🧧

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Songstress Azura ✨💙✨💙

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