

R. Dorian Goetz. Illustrator in the PNW. Queer, NB/they.
Photo by Jelleke Vanooteghem on Unsplash.

フォロー数:189 フォロワー数:153

I used to sew a lot more.
Clothes, accessories, home stuff, gifts, toys. If I needed something, I'd see if I could sew it first before trying to buy it.
And then I stopped.
I didn't mean to.

I should get back to it.

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I almost didn't do the art thing tonight, but then I did the art thing.

Pulled up an abandoned piece from last February and started laying in some color. I'm seeing all the things I want to change/re-ink, and I am RESISTING.

OCs from a cyberpunk mercenary RP.

I'm going to bed.

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Bold of you to assume I have ref sheets for any of them, and don't just go back and check 10 sketches, 3 finished pieces, and a partridge in a pear tree.

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Me: I use she/they pronouns because people misgendering my NB ass as "she" because I'm AFAB doesn't actually bother me.

Me, any time someone uses They/Them when speaking about me:

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I could bail off Twitter. I could.

...or I could double down on following my favorite creators on other platforms, stay here, and ramp up the shitposting and furry crap.

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On that note, here's Indra and Zodiac again.

(I'm still not quite happy with how he turned out, but I'm not about to go back and try to redo the illustration.)

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ALBEDO. I found ONE issue at a second-hand shop, and never saw it again. Read my one copy until it somehow vanished. Always wanted to find it again, but never did.
(This issue 👇)

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