

Tacti-Cool Wannabe

フォロー数:125 フォロワー数:8535

NATG Day 19 - Draw a pony showing off their special talent.
Marble tries.

14 56

EQD NATG Day 9 - Draw a pony in love
Twilight's first dictionary. :D

32 159

EQD NATG Day 7 - Modeling
Rarity tries out some styles of her mirrored self. I think argyle was a good choice. Mix it up from stripes. :)

20 127

NATG Day 3 : Draw a pony warming up.
Applejack limbers up the ol' applebucking thighs every day before getting to work. :D

38 154

EQD NATG Day 2 : In Motion
Pinkie's pretty psyched to not being forced to stand still like yesterday. :D

36 169

EQD NATG 2017 is a go!
Day 1 : Draw a pony standing. Excitement ahoy!

19 104

The original Superman Theme came on shuffle. App-El sketchage followed.

10 80

Twi goes for a swim with her sub-buds. :D
Whew, finally wrapped up. Onto Rainbow Dash.

28 130

Props to Underpable and his captain-pony.
Mind who you get lighting advice from on Discord. You get some strange (read: ridiculous) ideas.

10 46

The lining is finally squared up. Whew.

11 74