

I am Yojimbra Hello!



Discord: discord.gg/6HVXjHh9sx

フォロー数:1572 フォロワー数:3412

I'm tired, have a cursed no faced version of Emi in a swimsuit.

But don't let that distract you from THIGH CITY USA!

3 55

"I'm wearing contact today.... what do you think?

4 71

Sick drawing isn't as good as normal drawing, but I basically slept, woke up, drew this a bit, slept, and repeat like twelve times today.

Anyways, enjoy Demon-Lord-Chan making sure Izuku knows exactly what she's about.

2 49

Which one is better? No outline (1st) or outline? (2nd)

3 75

Now to figure out wings... + tails and like, do her eyes and expression and like... shade?

1 36

So I guess I'm just writing Velverosa?

1 35

"YOU WANT WHAT?!?!?!?!?!"

5 83

Just look at how happy she is!

0 66