

5 foot tall, socially awkward, clumsy, cute, Asian girl.

Married to: @Realslyeboy
Lover of: Video Games, D&D, Anime, Manga, Art, & Sweets

(She/Her) 💗💛💙

フォロー数:127 フォロワー数:125

Made a Malkavian Kindred character for an upcoming Vampire: The Masquerade game.
Her name is Violet Wisteria.

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A very happy birthday to the lovely (~°□°)~ 🎂 You're an amazing person, a wonderful best friend, and a boyfriend so sweet, I have to fill my cavities again. 🤣

Hope you have an amazing day. Love you very much!!! 😚

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Ppfftt this is also me and I'm 26.

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Oh HELL YEAH! Legit watched the trailer, LOADS better than before. Like I'm actually going to want to see this in theatres on Valentine's Day. I'm actually super excited. This looks like fun! https://t.co/ej33vYsFYJ

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Just survived a fall from the top of my stairs. X-ray and CT Scans said nothing is broken. I'm lucky I didn't snap my neck because I hit head first. Now I'm bedridden for a while. I'm full of bruises and muscle injury.

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Don't fucking tell me what to do, CHAIR!!!

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