

Pineapples Designer for Llama Train Studios (Pineapples soon to be expected) Random Arts from time to time. Lookin to be a Game Designer

フォロー数:62 フォロワー数:2485

I’m in a constant state of torture and pain

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I don’t approve of this behavior

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Oh yeah I still play Genshin, here's some recent stuff I got

(finally WGS)

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I actually haven't played that many creature capture games, I've only consumed mostly Pokémon until LL came along. I'm planning to get into TemTem but I've heard mixed reviews about it but still planning to give it a try

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So, I'm starting to work on that Youtube channel I've discussed about, I want to make things consistent rather than change things midway, so me and flop whipped up these 2 Pokemon Displays
It'd be pretty helpful if I can get some comments about your preference hexagone or circle.

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Do you rember, The Boy

0 1

its some sorta bug with following loomians, so i abused it for more funny pictures before leaving

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