

Literally 9S | @59Emma1 @TheCoolerLummo are my sisters

フォロー数:4318 フォロワー数:12184

This was the best worldwide celebration in the history of Dokkan

104 2022

This is honestly my favourite Goku fit

33 233

What do you call this rotation?

34 1470

Small reminder that Ginyu was one of the greatest releases in Dokkan history btw

50 1117

Do y’all say his name like “Frieza” or “Freeza”?

100 4168

Honesty kinda glad that the GT Duo gaps the Buu Saga Duo so there isn’t so much constant debating about whose better

7 438

Teq Caulifla is the Teq Gohan of banners with not only how she’s still used 3 years later but also how her passive was mistakenly busted

5 231

After so long Lr Majin Vegeta can now activate the Bulma part of his passive now!!!!!

47 1690

Air this tweet to pull God Goku first multi

101 460

God Goku is the best Tur in all of Dokkan

65 1481