

viv - 30 - she/her - 🏳️‍⚧️lesbian - monsters, comics, games, and things that appeal to me and only me - sometimes pixel artist

フォロー数:605 フォロワー数:906

11. Favorite Rival

Silver, that dingus (cheren and bianca are also very good)

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10. Favorite Mythical

Jirachi, him baby (tho mew is a close second)

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9. Favorite pseudo-legendary

Ohh gotta go with larvitar! A chunky little dinosaur hehe

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7. Favorite starter

Well I already mentioned cyndaquil so I’ll put my second fave starter here, treecko! Love me a good little lizard

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6. Favorite regional variant

Galarian Zigzagoon and its whole line absolutely stole my heart, I’m love them

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Favorite Mega Evolution/Gigantamax

My boy mega sceptile!! I am a dragon-loving girl at heart

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4. Favorite Legendary

Oof that’s also pretty tough.. Latios and Latias are pretty cool, I’ve always dug them a lot! And I have to mention cresselia, who I think I’m the sole stan for… and just for style points I wanna mention spectrier too, a beautiful horse

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1. Favorite Pokémon

That’s really tough!! But honestly I gotta go with cyndaquil, my first ever pokemon ;; love that little rat

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Pokémon scarlet/violet spoiler with no context

bill what has your technology wrought

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This is some real nice stuff

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