Your (Not) Regular Dose of FPS (DOOM mainly)さんのプロフィール画像

Your (Not) Regular Dose of FPS (DOOM mainly)さんのイラストまとめ

- Hey everyone, this is Your (Not) Regular Dose of FPS.
- DM's Open
- ⟨Account runned by @TheBerseven⟩

フォロー数:130 フォロワー数:1230
# doom

It's been a while since we have been doing this dynamic about, I ask and you answer, so I think it's a good time to do it again.

What's your favorite DOOM cameo or easter egg in other game sagas?

For me the ones from Q3 and THPS3 are They are completely unmatched.

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In Duke Nukem 3D there a slaughtered marine, who looks like the DOOM Guy, which causes Duke to say "Hmmmm, that's one doomed space marine".

Rest in pepperoni, DOOM Guy.

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The map "Slough of Despair" of the third episode of DOOM has a really curious form.

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The majority of the community hate this demons, but, Who is your favorite of the two?
Arch-Vile or Summoner?

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The Hell Knight lost his eyes when DOOM 3 got released, and 16 years later he got her eyes back.

If the hell knight was able to get his eyes back, why would you not achieve the things that you set out and want to do? Courage, I know you will make your dreams a reality

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In the DOOM Saga there are three creatures named like "Wraith".

- Nightmare Imp from DOOM 64.

- DOOM 3 Wraith, a enemy of the game what we see for first time in the EnPro Facility.

- D'16 and Eternal Wraith, them were godlike beings originally from Argent D'Nur.

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Imp from DOOM 64, Imp from DOOM 3 and Imp from the cancelled DOOM 4.

If you see correctly, The imp of Cancelled DOOM 4 pic is more similar to a specie of Fusion of the imp of DOOM 3 and DOOM 64 Imp.

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