

I tend to follow a lot of art museums, galleries, poetry journals and other cultural artifices to remind myself how vapid the establishment can be.
— #Youtopien

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Transformer said: the meaning of art is an unknown. Something experienced.
Artistry comes from a contradiction, a rise and fall; mastery of a paradox in an age when it was almost extinct.
Through such contradictions, strength of experience is expressed.
: mixed media

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The gut instinct is that is was really due to natural causes, but upon closer inspection, it became apparent there was something suspicious about what everyone was seeing.
Oddly, this mystery is still ongoing.
Just what were they all seeing? Answer: Art
: mixed media

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Art Heals
"Levels of depression and anxiety tended to be lower in patients undergoing chemotherapy who were exposed to visual art than in patients not exposed to visual art."
- Visual art in hospitals, Journal of the Royal Society of Medicine, Dec. 2010
: mixed media

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Transformer said: the importance of is self-evident. Cultural influences play a very important role in the development of human civilizations. The arrival of certain language and concepts in a society profoundly influences the way people perceive and behave.

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It would appear that participants in the Tolerate group rated insults as less damaging than participants in the Control group did regardless of whether the latter considered that to be their counterargument. No significant difference between the two groups was noted.

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I make art. I plant trees and bushes. I grow food. I ride a bicycle frequently, instead of driving. I pick up trash in parks. I haven't watched tv in years. I love to read. I like, and write, poetry.
I believe in a Higher Power.
I am not like most people.
Very good.

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"Imagination is everything. It is the preview of life’s coming attractions. Imagination is more important than knowledge. Logic will get you from A to B. will take you everywhere. is contagious, pass it on."
― Albert Einstein
: mixed media

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Meaning in life relates to the significance of living or existence in general and manifests in philosophical, scientific, theological, conceptual and metaphysical speculation.
I make therefore I am - manifested visually - a qualifier as to the caliber of me-ness.

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Alchemy is a tradition practiced around the globe. It sought to purify, mature, and perfect certain objects and elements. Among its variegated aims was the transmutation of lead into gold, which served as a metaphor of achieving existential perfection.

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A narcissistic society:
full of selfies and pet pics,
food fotos, varied vacations
in various nations;
so full of ourselves
turns to irritable bowel syndrome
because so many are
a hard truth,
like a hardened stool
which ultimately,
calls for a laxative.

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