


フォロー数:595 フォロワー数:572

nobody else at Marvel is writing at this level. Ewing is fr in a league of his own. Magneto and Storm been getting so much love in X-men Red, it's amazing.

7 42

It's genius when you think about it. Ewing took story beats in Coates run that were being used to demonize T'Challa (the status of King, "No one Man", etc) and turned them into the source of T'Challa's power, literally ripping apart the "law" in this dimension.

9 25

So Ridley has T'Challa unable to identify Wakandan fighting styles on his own w/o guidance, while Gillen has T'Challa recognizing an Eternal's fighting style from one blow. Lol. When ppl on this app tell u that BP writers stay downplaying him in his own book, it's not cap one bit

11 36

T'Challa possessing the spirit of a tiger god while he fights alongside Galactus against the literal embodiment of order and chaos. Multiversal and they were fighting against the First Firmament who is the personification of the first universe. Also this is canon 616 T'Challa too

4 14