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哈迪斯之女 無頭的駿馬拉著嬰兒車 馬蹄聲在霧中飄散不去 襁褓中的女嬰安眠着,她將是冥王最寵愛的女儿 The daughter of Hades Here comes the baby carriage in the fog.The tramping hoofs and rattling wheels would never wake her up. For she will be the favorite daughter of Hades.
Birthday gift for friendʕ •ᴥ•ʔ
望月峽谷 蟾蜍的歌唱聲中, 旅人分享著東方人將月亮比做蟾蜍的趣事
#FF14 維埃拉光之戰士 Viera Warrior of Light 靈光衛假想 Lightwarden Imagination
Moth and Lamb
做了一個一起玩耍的夢 要永遠永遠在一起哦
#comission 委託
#2020年自分が選ぶ今年上半期の4枚 雖然還沒更新到2020的)