

Being a hero isn't about taking care of yourself, it's about taking responsibility for other people

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It's national boob day today so giving the best booba in video games also not my artwork but bless to whoever it is in the end

60 843

Surge and Kit are srsly fantastic characters even though you can tell who they are copies of they are well thought out

3 23

so what kills me about this is bless Evan Stanley for giving white park zone some love cause im rereading it and im like of course only actual people who have play sonic 4 episodes 2 would know this where its from XD

1 4

That the best part i love this face

1 8

We came up with another one kirby is a master im terrible XD

16 70

Idk who did this comic but i fucking lollllleedddddd

10 44

we thought of this idea and its great she doesn't see it but shes the perfect bee XD

16 56

thought this was super great idea so she went and drew it and it makes me smile to the core

13 47

Thank you so much babe basically heavily inspired by my fav hero ever batman where if i was my own dark hero it be wolf based with my own wolf side kick it is amazing

6 24

Thanks babe i always wondered what my sonic persona would look like she combined my two greatest things sonic and the wolf honestly it fits perfectly

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