

Full Name: Yumi Smart -Aspiring Artist -Professional Hugger -Fandom Fanatic -Absolute Nerd -Self-Proclaimed Lycanthropy Expert -VSMP Creator -Very Tired

フォロー数:72 フォロワー数:1130

and so the trend continues. Here's Sailor Beloved!
Im so proud of them for getting to dodgebolt :)
(I would've drawn this yesterday, but I was very tired XD)

3 103

Aftermath of "There's Something You Need To Know"

9 122

Kinoko Bois and the Emerald Duo have been captured >:3
Yes Charlie is a tub of slime, what of it.

8 99

Now that I've seen TOH For the Future;
Lemme know who I should have collected next!
(Shoutout to Coffee in my discord server for giving me this idea!)

4 62

Origins!SMP Aimsey!!
I loved the first interaction between Ranboo and Aimsey's characters, they reminded me of Jean-Ralphio and Mona Lisa from Parks & Rec XD

31 261

Here's MCC Christmasboo
This went in a darker direction than I originally thought it would XD

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