

Submit memes, confessions, reaction pics, vines etc. to us via dm please!!! ((Layout by: @knucklebine )) main: @ChrisGiacometti co-owned by: @humanztour

フォロー数:5 フォロワー数:2911

Stays MIA for days then throws this at you and runs

90 231


280 425

If you s/o doesn't look at you the way Viktor looks at Yuuri then what's the point

239 392

hate to sound like a cheesy old white lady but that shit is breathtaking bro

114 265

Rt to make someone's day better we all need this kind of positivity in our tls

215 264

This is the best family pic ever there's so much to talk about and 140 characters are not enough

268 453

Matching icons for your and your extra fiancé

921 1794

I just saw this bird and all I could think about was Otabek I'm

162 352