Zodiac Project is something that I’m starting this decade. It ties personal growth and emotions with zodiacs (eg: Mouse as 2020) who grow and change with the experiences and difficulties they face. This is the main zodiac (Tiger, 1998).
Earphone bondage charms coming soon 😳🤭 (earphones wont be on the final product d: )going to finish Yuri and send them in for a sample. Let me know if you’d be interested in purchasing one, if there’s enough interest I’ll do a larger public release. (´・Д・)」#DDLC Wip
Spent ALL DAY ON THIS in hopes of making a 1/9 deadline to produce more charm designs but I don’t think I executed this concept to my liking enough to meet said deadline. 😷 Might scrap this current draft into a bonus postcard and try again at reworking it into a charm later on.
canceling plans is ok. realizing that you're tired of putting up w/ other people's shit is ok. deciding that manga might be literature is ok. putting all of your energy to slaughter off your friends one by one in order to suspend you and your crush in space forever is ok. #DDLC