502 Bad Gateway Tokenさんのプロフィール画像

502 Bad Gateway Tokenさんのイラストまとめ

A token created for the investors, by the investors. discord.gg/4rpq6mJ #Z502

フォロー数:64 フォロワー数:4859

Korean Z502 fans have created an unofficial Z502 community at KakaoTalk in South Korea!
Thanks to everyone in Korea for the Z502 holders who created the community!

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It is very regrettable that our website is temporarily under maintenance and showing you a not 502 but 403 status code.

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Even though he has left the administration, he is like Satoshi in Bitcoin, and his soul will be passed on forever in the Z502 blockchain as long as it continues.

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Mr. 502 Ojisan indeed sold some of his Z502, but it turned out that he didn’t sell to crash the price on the market.

He is the founder of Z502, and his love for Z502 is still the best in the world.

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Booster ignition of 502 Bad Gateway token(Z502) — Strategic partnership with ANGOO Fintech -

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各所で502 Bad Gatewayが猛威をふるっています。資産の安全を確認しましょう。

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The subtitle is "The Blockchain War". Hope to release this Anime in 2020.

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マーチャント・バンカーズ社が資本提携しているCOINCOME やBEXAM についても、Z502のイメージキャラクターを使用したプロモーション活動を展開していきます。

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