

🇪🇸 Digital Illustrator, deftly wielding Photoshop and AI art to unveil unseen beauty within the latent space. Synthographer & Master of Digital Alchemy.

フォロー数:112 フォロワー数:95169

👁‍🗨 Some knight studies i did a while ago

79 1019

🗨️ "So, as an expert, what do you think about the superficiality of today's society?"

111 1466

So the last step was to correct the face using GFPGAN, redraw the shoulder by hand and enlarge the image to improve the composition. And I finally got the final result. 😇

25 349

Then, using img2img, i recomposed the illustration. That fixed the poorly sketchy look. However, the face went wrong, the left shoulder didn't work for me, and the overall composition was not what I wanted:

33 371

However, there were several elements, such as the shape of the booba and the green fabric that did not convince me, so I corrected them by hand:

5 144

As many of you have asked me about what my workflow is, I am going to write a short tutorial of the steps I followed to compose this image. The first one was to find a good candidate seed to publish. In this case I liked this one:

49 427

🗨️ "Honey, I think this dress is too small for me..."

402 4261

🗨️ "So... how do you handle your boobadiction?"

117 1405