Zan Zanryuさんのプロフィール画像

Zan Zanryuさんのイラストまとめ

I'm known as an OC Artist, SRPGStudio, Mugen/Fighting Games, RPGMaker, and a Gamer. Nice to meet you!

フォロー数:2048 フォロワー数:527

Lian Fia (aka: Lian Sophia)
2015 - 2019
This is where my SRPG Studio game-making was about to build back then...

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I feel good doing sexy drawings inspired by many drawings and AI-Generated Art. (1/1)

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I would like to draw Zan Zanryu Face properly to make it cute and cool at the same and young...
Drawing Face Portraits is really simple and easy for me to do since it takes time after all...

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Renmia: "My... You look like fun!" 😊😊😊

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Beautiful... But more dangerous to underestimate...
Here is my Renmia's HK! But I should draw more fight poses and scenes.
You must've commissioned a lot. 😮

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Zan Kenjiryu - The Legend of Zan Zanryu
(WIP) Trying to cheer myself up with some water...
Looks like Kenjiryu gets a new Face look now!

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Zan Zanryu - The Legend of Zan Zanryu
I plan to work on the Face Portraits for SRPGs...
I usually borrow samples from other media to make these faces good, unique, and colorful. (WIP)

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カサランドラ・アレキシア (アーマーなし) - WIP

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