

Simple Artist |
Nonbinary Transmasc

フォロー数:954 フォロワー数:551

Ron's Gone Wrong was a really good movie, might've teared up at the end

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Hello!! I'm Zap, I'm 20 and go by they/them!

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The old warbot spent their time watching vhs tapes left behind from the war. They knew nothing of the world around them, and learned from these old recordings of the past.
"You feel that? That's your heartbeat. It means you're alive."
They felt their arm, but sadly felt nothing

1 5

I don't have anything recent but it's always a pleasure to see your art❤

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I'm squidward I'm squidward squidward squidward squidward
Ft and

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Practiced a bit with Fire Alpaca!

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