

Art mayor student, part time roleplayer, full time tired, part time depressed, part time werewolf, fucking furry

Tbh I'm just here to draw and for memes

フォロー数:125 フォロワー数:119

I love this you're doing, maybe someday I'll be able to draw fast enough to do open requests x'D

I would love to see my character in christmas spirit on, she's a great fan of the hollidays! The rest you can choose! That if it's not too much of course, is this white happy dragon

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BEHOLD! after months of terrible artblock I finally could draw a proper drawing of the anthro form of my character!
is weird but this is only one character (and at the same time is not) since that body in her lore have 2 souls and it gives her 2 personalities nwn

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Retwitea este pato, es importante >:v

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:'3 heck yeah xD (mientras no me mate todo bien :'v)

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Solo dejare esto por aqui a ver que les parece como foto de perfil :3

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ah, bueno :v sigamos las conversacion mañana que aqui son la 1 am y tengo sueño, asi que chau xD (cierro con foto kawaii)

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