

Drawing, writing and video games are my passion. Occasionally I'll mingle them and just post here whenever I feel the notion. That's all you need to know.

フォロー数:271 フォロワー数:46

Io Haborym charges into the fray ready for her next fight against a new opponent! Strength, determination and the power of friendship fuels the fire within her soul to win! With a dash of pride on her side.

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Dwelling in Patch's bathroom conjuring some experiments is Luca Stolas, the notorious scientist with a dark past but hides that behind a devious sense of humor. What sort of experiments is she working on tonight I wonder? With that grin, I'm afraid to even ask...

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Now it's the adorable Xothian's turn to shine in the spotlight. but looks like we caught them in a yawn. They're tired after a hard fight against opposing mogwai, but they're back on their feet by the next fight. Mott, or Daughter as I call mine is a trooper!

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All the way from Harbei we have Rebecca Ondo (Or Beck for short)! A jock that strives for good health and exercise despite not being able to participate in sports due to her weak heart. She's both rad and inspirational! (and I also want her shirt in real life lol)

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Shep Seere comes around the corner ready to sell trinkets new and old to customers! She's not like most Tanuki Mogwai, being more of a business mogwai than a trickster. But if you're looking for a sweet deal, she's got one just for you cuz!

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Coming up next in the line is Chip Morax, the grumpy but adorable minotaur mogwai girl. She's keeping her book extra close after Eve and the gang manage to snag it back for her.(I forgot the book's color and didn't see any pictures of it. so pardon me if it's wrong)

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Jazz Balaam and Heide Asmodai of the Squatchstack were one of my early favorites to work on and experiment a bit with. Caring for Tindalos pups on the farm together with Jake Marthim. Reading the wikia about Heide's unrequited crush on Jazz is why she's blushing in the picture.<3

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Ven Berith, the sweet reserved alchemist from though she likes to put tiny oni into chests and a disdain for Big Seans that flirt with her. Worked on Heartbeat fanart for the past two weeks and finally finished up yesterday. Expect some posts in the coming days!

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A break from Heartbeat fanart I was doing. I did a quick doodle of Noelle from being a cute nervous mess. Hmm, I wonder what's got her all flustered?

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Coming afterwards is Ives Furcifer the Qilin Mogwai. selling questionable jellies that your cute xoth has taken a liking to. I love her design, I wish she was a party member, but at least you can bring her in spirit (aka DNA transformation for your xoth/moth).

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