Zeiros Lion 🦁🔞 zeiroslion.art 🔞🦁さんのプロフィール画像

Zeiros Lion 🦁🔞 zeiroslion.art 🔞🦁さんのイラストまとめ

Yeah no I'm done here on Twatter.

Find my other socials on zeiroslion.art.

フォロー数:1596 フォロワー数:4652

Just wrapped up a fun commission for of himself in his ring gear. It was only supposed to be flat colors, but I got a little carried away with it. He was also a great help with making sure I got the look and the colors right.

Thanks for the fun commission!

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And just like that, another happy customer in ! Thanks for the business!

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Howdy folks.

I know I haven't streamed in a while. It's been an extremely busy and trying time, but it's time to get back into the game.

And to help out with that, I need a new capture card. About $100.00 should help out.

So here's my Ko-Fi!


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