

Digital Artist/Animangá fanatic/ He/Him.
Do NOT repost without permission.
NSFW some times.
Graphic Designer.

フォロー数:453 フォロワー数:509

Fitness Zel is passing by in your timeline, What was your most demanding exercise on your body so far? LOL

4 25

Back to the business☕❤️

9 36

The momment where a bond between brothers were dissolved for ages and only hatred and sadness filled Zel's heart💔

11 71

I wasn't going to post this but... Why not, a sudden idea came on my mind and this piece was created✨

8 35

the seven catastrophes are in a summer mood lol✨ 🌅

Poll Characters

17 36

Progress were made,soon i'll post it by the morning

2 19

Another update here,not many people will get interested i guess,but soon i may be opening a Fate series fanart dedicated account,so if by any chance anyone here likes Fate series, i'll leave my @ here,or if you really like my work no matter what it is, you're welcome as well❤️✨

3 13



Lipstick is capable of making ANY character look 60% hotter

3 25