

-Commissions closed-
Previously Zebub Al-ZemMons
Mostly Pokémon/Digimon illustration & pixelart
Nostalgia fanart.

フォロー数:163 フォロワー数:6164


With a field scanning error the outcome was a Dark Area monster, ruthless and uncontrollable, it just swallows whole anything on the fly, sending it to a black abyss.

This is the last of this collab with , hope you liked it : )

57 394

With the power of a new digivice gazimon has achieved Field Shift Evolution! a targeted evolution using raw data from any of the fields to adapt to any situation.

This is a collab w/ Tell us your favourite, or what your thoughts are on them.

209 879


It is a mysterious vampire beast that sucks the blood of unsuspecting victims and also uses its laser precision claws to mutilate them. Its straps suggest it was bound by someone, but who?

collab with , and almost done!

117 609


A holy beast digimon that usually stands guard around temples, with its perfect vision it scans the surroundings to launch preemptive attacks instead of waiting for the dangers to get too close.

collab with , such an honor!

87 495


This toy digimon feels compelled to complete its body with fur and metal parts that it rips from other digimon, however they never stick long enough, so it is always looking for more.

collab with the one and only !

94 565


This quick digimon jumps and bounces at extreme speed, slashing and stabbing with its venomous claws, sometimes it crouches pretending to be a scared gazimon to lure bigger prey.

collab with , such an honor!

62 406


A demon beast digimon with dramon data, its fire breath somehow sucks the heat off the air, so the temperature actually drops when it is around.

collaboration with , go check his art!

105 534


A wind spirit that floats around riding whirlwinds, when it attacks it fades into the whirlwind, engulfs its target and hits it from all sides, only its glowing red eyes can be seen in the end.

collab with , such an honor!

103 532

Don't, you know they are the greatest friends and you cannot have one without the other

3 23


This wooly digimon can manipulate and absorb plant data around it, the more data it amasses the fluffier its cotton coat gets.

collaboration with , the amazing bandai style rendering is his!

110 522