ଘZerakiel🍉 back from the dead | comms open✧さんのプロフィール画像

ଘZerakiel🍉 back from the dead | comms open✧さんのイラストまとめ

PREDEBUT ♰ 21+ ♰ hy/hymn♰🔞+ Audhd Vstreamer ♰ art tag ➡️#zerakillust
🎨chef: @kirinvt 💍@MountSolace

フォロー数:1366 フォロワー数:371

IT'S DONE LOL I'm gonna use this as the art stream visual ^w^ ty everyone for being here w me for the process of dis HEHE

5 17

colored Sketch coms are $15! Rts appreciated!!!

0 1

HEWWO EMERGENCY COMMS TIME AGAIN $50 for a headshot painting or a clean waist up(last pic)!

And sketch coms are unlimited(examples in comments)

9 16

I never fucking post my art despite being a fuk but here u go !! 2 n 3 are dnd related!!!!!

1 8

ahahhaha my medical bills were expensive so im opening one slot for a painted headshot for $50

(RTs appreciated!!)

5 12