

God First God Bless

フォロー数:913 フォロワー数:1033

Reiji really dropped back to back peak covers
For Chizuru and Sumi, love to see it

8 37

"No, those are swordsmen" 😭😭😭

83 508

What are some of your favorite moments in Naruto?

20 90

Naruto Arcs ratings for me (mostly manga)
- Part 1
Land of Waves- 9/10
Chunin Exams (Alone)- 9/10
Konoha Crush (Alone) - 9/10
Chunin Exams and Konoha Crush together- 10/10
Tsunade Rescue- 8/10
Sasuke Retrieval- 9.5 or 10/10

27 238

Rank these Naruto antagonists

102 1234

Who is your favorite Kage from Naruto?

123 1471

What's your Favorite Fight in Sasuke Retrieval arc from Naruto?

213 1933

What version of Naruto is your favorite from the series?

317 3047

Mostly all Shinobi in Naruto are the product of their situation and lose their sense of self cause of it. Identity and Sanity is a something a ninja have a chance of losing. Two characters tht portrays this well are Kabuto and Orochimaru.
(Read the Thread)

32 112

Which version of Obito did u like the most?
for me Orange Mask is kinda unmatched

24 218