blonde bimbo barbie bakugo ♡さんのプロフィール画像

blonde bimbo barbie bakugo ♡さんのイラストまとめ

Ziggy/adult/♑ BHA, lord explosion blondie bimbo and his cute candy cane bf (🍰💥TDBK❌🔁) I draw sometimes 👉👈 (i rtw adult content ⚠️ NOT SPOILER FREE!)

フォロー数:516 フォロワー数:745

here have this one as well. his humiliation kink is really critical 😔

18 38

"You called me darkness, well then, I shall wilt you."

8 29

Bakura's first words to Malik in canon 🥰🥰💙💜💙💜Happy Valentine's Day!! (pretend there is a duel disk pls)

17 52

just answer ORE SAMA’S QUESTION.

11 47

posted these on tumblr last year for an ask abt Bakura's style if he had his own body,, have them here too ig 🤲

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