

ADHD, art, cats, plants, shitposting. She/her. pfp: @itsdaneesaur. i am begging you all to recognise that I am a ridiculous person

フォロー数:1077 フォロワー数:12957

Me, letting myself into an anatomical museum, iPad in hand: WHERE YOUR FOETAL SKULLS AT

2 53

Do you ever run across a stock image photoset while trying to find something else & fall down a rabbit hole of /who is this for/

14 121

The art The artist

5 86

Tfw your catsit is being very cute but you don’t have a working camera

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Artist’s impression:

6 62

Honestly, who hasn’t had this experience https://t.co/7PmTelgXyP

36 132

I was reminded of them this time by one of ’s illustrations of ’s neural net cat names - tell me his is not a superior version

0 18

For me, the area outlined in yellow is permanently tight/ropey/uncomfortable! I can still flex it quite a lot, but it starts to feel like it’s pulling too hard on my kneecap. And no matter how far I move the joint, I can’t get the muscle to stretch in a satisfying/relieving way!

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A place to start, if you’re interested, is with seeing if you look more awake/vibrant/all that jazz with cooler tones or warmer tones! (Cooler on left, warmer on right. Cool tones tend to lean blue, warm tones towards orange, but there’s cool & warm shades of each colour!)

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Meanwhile, Saint Theresa

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