

Mifune-Kurosawa Lore Master. For commissions, please shoot me a DM here or at my Instagram:…

フォロー数:806 フォロワー数:555

Of course I had to do a version with the facemask/visor activated:

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I've always been a big fan of Tatsunoko's OVA remake of Casshan from 1994, specifically the Yasuomi Umetsu character designs and the grand, sweeping orchestral score by Michiru Oshima.

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Howzabout Bruce Timm doing his best Jack Kirby?

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They're not streams but I'll put on Game Center CX episodes or old Angry Video Game Nerd and fall asleep to those.

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Mamoru Oshii's Panzer Cops are one of the most striking and evocative designs of late 20th century dystopian fiction.

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If it falls through with I'm interested. Here's a sample of some stuff, not sure exactly what you're looking for but I can do a variety of styles.

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Orlock/Dracula, Nosferatu - Eine Symphonie des Grauens, 1922

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They are production art for the film, but I'm still of the mind these are not by Burton, can't find the credited artist on other pieces I've found on online auction sites.

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Not sure if these are Burton's art, Burton's early drawings for the film were featured in the Nightmare Before Christmas storybook and looked like this:

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