Zombie Research Societyさんのプロフィール画像

Zombie Research Societyさんのイラストまとめ

Founded by Matt Mogk, ZRS is the largest zombie organization on the planet, with over 200,000 experts, artists and survivalists in our ranks. Join us!

フォロー数:1363 フォロワー数:18793

DC Comics will take on this May with a six-issue series titled "DCeased" featuring the popular character Darkseid, who unleashes a deadly zombie virus on Earth - via : https://t.co/JDCNLWfSYt

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THE ROTTING STENCH OF THE UNDEAD - No scent is more revolting than death, so shouldn't we be able to smell long before we see them? Biologists prove the “death stench” is a universal & ancient warning signal among species : https://t.co/UaNL1gL0Dz

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It's strange that we barely bat an eye when tear their victims limb from limb or bite through bone. We just assume they have superhuman strength, but do they really? Let's look at adrenaline, dopamine, and the hysterical strength of the undead : https://t.co/h5BT9BFRh3

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Here's a little reminder that scientists are still out there, pulling the brains out of dead pigs and keeping them alive for experiments. BrainEx is scary, sure... but it's also very interesting to research - via : https://t.co/Z8gTHd2WYr

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Critical Hit takes a look at the ten video game weapons that you'd want in a apocalypse - via : https://t.co/rnXmJzBfqs

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GIVEAWAY: RESIDENT EVIL 2 – DELUXE EDITION - We're giving away TWO FREE copies of the for Xbox One and PlayStation 4 via Amazon. There's no need to give us your name, email address, or anything else. Just click to win - Good luck! https://t.co/crim1yC0xy

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Do you think will completely lose their ability to read? Would they still understand symbols - like an arrow pointing to your safe house? Learn how our brains comprehend language and what it means for the undead : https://t.co/7sqP3AZsxi

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Plans to turn a former passenger ferry into a attraction have been postponed. The Duke of Lancaster ship has been empty for more than 30 years and the Zombie Infection company had planned to start holding events this month - via : https://t.co/SX4uxQatMk

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All Zombie Movies of 2018: The Complete List - The team at Nerd Much? claim they've listed all the major movies released last year. Does it look complete to you? Swing by and take a look - via : https://t.co/gqxYvqqiCS

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A zombie's aggressive need to feed may be the result of hyperphagia, also known as morbid hunger. And the National Centre for Brain Injury Rehabilitation recently released a report that may shed some light on this intriguing aspect of research : https://t.co/vPiqsyMFok

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