

1991 | American | Ginger | Problematic Content Enjoyer

CW: I draw gore, violence, grimdark and my stories contain various abuses.
🔞18+ only🔞

フォロー数:15 フォロワー数:22

Girlfriend gave me a genderbend of her character.
Also I just doodled that tired meme and liked how the hand and his face came out. I'm so stupid.

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Lynn and Yataga love each other

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These are my favorite Higanba's I've done.
Higanba is my gf's character. He's a sweetheart with a rough undertone.

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Kovyt is weird and has a bit of a complicated to explain backstory. Short version is he builds doll people and puts souls into them. He doesn't know he's putting souls into them.

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My gf made me a generbend of one of her characters.
Yanako is a person who's had her will beat down and she's easily shaped by people around her. Hopefully she can develop into someone who stands up for herself.
I love her. I play her in Pokemon Platinum, BD, and Arceus Legends.

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Stan and Kyle are my third favorites.
Kenny is my number one favorite.
Then I like Craig because in FBW he kicked ass at Raisins when I was sucking hard.

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Getting more comfortable doing digital art again.
Lynn warmup

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