

フォロー数:561 フォロワー数:701

I’m selling this 3 for 1.3BNB.

I’m giving Rare to the new owner of this 3 cats

21 26

Terbid & Terbeli

Boleh tak macam tu 😂

3 16


Triple 3, welcome to my collection 😻


2 16

Join fam, top project on Pentas. I love the art, they also have their on merch and RCNT token to holders. I’m so excited for the new staking program soon. LFG! 😻

1 2

The weather is hot, need to drink lot of water 🥵

2 8

Kucing saya telah disatukan akhirnya

7 45

Can you take me to the vet, because you just took my breath away. Purrr

1 10