

Dibujante amateur en mis tiempos libres.
Priv: @_Schelle

フォロー数:1706 フォロワー数:373

Sha: Abstent and abandonment.
Antares: Took her with him to expeditions cultivating her love to archeology.
Kretschmar: They were too permissive and never faced consequences. Now he values his desires over other's lifes.
Amphiprion: Auractia is a bear mom armed with flip flops.

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Sosia, Mischa, Brigid and Saar:

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Sosia, el profesor de matemáticas.

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Mischa, Brigid, Saar and Melissa:

0 2

Dšr, su verdadera forma es el bicho chiquito:

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*Le lanza tres referencias de exactamente el mismo personaje*.

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