AruChi (Commissions Open!!!)さんのプロフィール画像

AruChi (Commissions Open!!!)さんのイラストまとめ

• Aspiring character designer and animator from the Philippines • Creating worlds with pencil and paper • @FiloThing

フォロー数:2956 フォロワー数:703

Danny Phantom from Danny Phantom! (XD)

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Here coMeS APRil JEsTer!

thIS is My SECOnd enTRy foR My HoLiDAy bAsEd CHAractER desIgns! TodAY'S ApriL 1st ANd WHat pErfEcT cHArACTer tO Better repRESENT aPRIL fOoLS thAn a CLOWn! a HaRMLeSs cuTe lookIng CLowN :>

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Here comes Boar Boxer! (🐗🥊🌭)

I knew I wanted to draw a big beefy (in his case porky) pig man, so I did. I really didn't know how to incorporate the hotdog emoji so I decided to use it as the color palette for the gloves and boots XD

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Garnet from Steven Universe!

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Here comes Kitsune Hime! (⭐🦊🎀)

When I saw the star and the ribbon my mind went immediately to the magical girl route, so I uhh drew a magical fox girl. Yep that's about it :>

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Blossom, Bubbles and Buttercup from PowerPuff Girls

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Heatblast from Ben 10!

I remember when Cartoon Network aired nothing but the original Ben 10 for the whole day and I watched the whole thing. Anyways, who do you wanna see next? :>

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Here comes Ice Phantom! (❄️👻🗡️)

Here's the second entry for the 3 emojis challenge that I did 2 weeks ago. I really like how I rendered the limbs and the blade of the sword :>

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Here comes Flame Tengu! (👺🗡️ 🔥)

I did 3 emoji challenge thingy over at twitter, did multiple of these so expect to see a bunch of them this month HAHAHAH. I really had fun with this one, especially how I rendered the katana.

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Finn and Jake from Adventure Time

I wanted to draw a bunch of cartoon characters in my style, I already drew the first batch but lemme know who you wanna see next :>

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