

Artist/Christian/Teacher. WIPs and not-quite-random thoughts.
Arxile on Tumblr and DA, arxile_ on Instagram.
Here be Protoss.

フォロー数:68 フォロワー数:64

Progress. Dunno how much art I'll be able to get done in the next little while, I'm super busy with varsity work and I'm out of town this weekend.

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from by the inimitable Wildbow. Worm and Ward are both well worth reading if you have any interest in fiction, or if you don't.

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"Arx, why on earth are you painting in
I do what I like, dammit!

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Practicing strong, oddly angled, light sources. Also from a story.

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I'm a South African artist/illustrator. A lot of my conceptual works are inspired by African cities, environments, and people.

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Retributive Justice. Bit of a bad mojo painting, bit of a study.

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Today's - some kind of hazmat helmet/gas mask/rebreather, I dunno.

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