

フォロー数:372 フォロワー数:98

;3; they were tasty but they make ya bloat lol ;3; no snacks this week

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That's really great to hear.

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;3; I just wanted to enjoy my mint tea, but a nasty fly decided it wanted to be a swim 🛀 it jumped in as soon as I put the cup down ☹️

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Bayonetta 3 got meh

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so apparently I got to wait 3 to 12 weeks to see a bill from the hospital. Small window of time to get my ducks in a row.

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I just freaking learned about Kazui Kurosaki existing 😵 gotta lot of catching up to do with the chapters

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started watching sandman last night :U It's freaking amazing

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I have a counter for anything lol

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