


フォロー数:128 フォロワー数:39

This is me btw

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Perre que no dijiste q gur nai?

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Acabo de conocer a en su m&g por su cumpleaños, espero hayas tenido el mejor de los cumpleaños, fue muy divertido haber estado en la reunión!! :D

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Hello! Today I bring you this beautiful outfit heavily inspired by 's outfit, I love the disco style so I wanted to try it on my own.

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just as the mon chéri hair, was not added, but shown in the render.
3) These beautiful faces made by ixchoco for the opposites attract set render, I hope they get added, I tought they were gonna be added in the last update (st. patricks) but they are not in the game yet :(

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I liked her outfit!

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Femenine version close ups, I made that fur texture with an ibis paint x preset brush and I really like the results

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